ACEs and Education Train-the-Trainer Sessions
This course is for school and community leaders who have a core understanding of ACEs knowledge and will be leading trainings within schools and education organizations. Iowa ACEs 360 developed the presentation content to meet Iowa's requirements for educators to receive annual training on ACEs and toxic stress.
This course will share Iowa ACEs data and current research on approaches for responding to ACEs and toxic stress in school systems. Attendees of this session will receive access to training materials and resources to provide trainings in their networks.
You must be present at the live session to receive training materials and a certificate of completion.
Check back in June for summer training dates!
This course will share Iowa ACEs data and current research on approaches for responding to ACEs and toxic stress in school systems. Attendees of this session will receive access to training materials and resources to provide trainings in their networks.
You must be present at the live session to receive training materials and a certificate of completion.
Check back in June for summer training dates!
What you'll experience in our training
Learn the Facts
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and historical and social factors that can lead to ACEs, and dive into Iowa-specific data on ACEs.
- Gain knowledge of how toxic stress impacts brain development and learn how developmental challenges affect a classroom.
See Opportunities
- Learn about the importance of resilience and creating healing environments.
- Explore examples of strategies to develop resilience and healing environments in school settings.
Experience Hope
- Consider long-term models for developing trauma-informed, healing-centered schools and education systems.
Let us know your training needs
If you would like to request a training for your school or district, or to participate in a future train the trainer session, please fill out the form below.